Ostracion whitleyi Fowler, 1931
     Females and immature males of this species (illustrated in Hawaii's Fishes) are golden brown with cream spots and a wide cream band along the side which may contain brown spots or markings. Although uncommon, they can be seen regularly in appropriate habitat--areas with lots of overhangs, holes and caves. Mature males, however, are almost never encountered. They are blue with white spots on top. Black-edged white lines frame the sides. The underside is marked with an unusual pair of large dark round spots.Why mature males should be so rare in Hawai`i is a mystery. Whitley's Boxfish is restricted to the Central Pacific and most abundant in the Marquesas Islands, where the large blue males are common. Females from the Marquesas and Society Islands have numerous small brown spots both on the underside and in the lateral white band; these spots are sparse or lacking in Hawaiian specimens. To about 5 in. Photo: "Whitley's Reef," Kona, Hawai`i. 50 ft

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