Iniistius celebicus (Bleeker, 1856)
     This razor wrasse has only recently been identified. Two dark spots—a large, round one in midbody and a dark elongated one near the tail—distinguish it from similar Hawaiian species. It ranges from the western to central Pacific but is rare in Micronesia. Although not often seen in Hawai`i, it is not hard to find at Kahe Point, O`ahu, and “Black Rock,” near the Sheraton at Ka`anapali, Maui. It attains about 7 in. Photo: Kahe Point, O`ahu. 30 ft. (This photo appeared in the first printing of Hawaii’s Fishes, mistakenly identified as the Peacock Raz
or Wrasse, I. pavo.). Many razor wrasse species, including these two, were until recently placed in the genus Xyrichtys. They were reassigned to the genus Iniistius in 2002..
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Text and photos copyright by John P. Hoover