Naso annulatus (Quoy & Gaimard, 1825)
These unusual, deep-dwelling unicornfish
change color from light bluish gray to almost black. They have bright
white lips and a long slender horn that may equal the head in length.
A conspicuous black and white pattern marks the tail fins (hence the common
name); males trail long tail filaments. Young specimens without horns
resemble the common Sleek Unicornfish (N. hexacanthus) but have
a white ring at the base of the tail. The ring becomes a saddle as they
mature, and finally disappears. Juveniles and subadults sometimes enter
shallow water can can occasionally be seen by snorkelers. Adults, however,
are rarely encountered in Hawai`i, probably because they tend to live
in quite deep water. The fish pictured were visiting a cleaning station
at about 80 feet, shallower than normal. To about 3 ft. Indo-Pacific.
Photos: Adults (above). Five Fathom Rock (off Kaua`i between Kaula Rock
and Ni`ihau). 80 ft. Juvenile (below). Ulua Beach, Maui. 45 ft.