
Uropterygius polyspilus (Regan, 1909)
   This rarely seen eel has large dark brown spots on a tan body, closely resembling the Tiger Snake Moray, Scuticaria tigrinus. (Sometimes I call this "False Tiger Moray.") It bears a pair of strange “tabs” above the eyes—the tabs are actually its posterior nostrils—and the snout is shorter than that of the Tiger Snake Moray. For those into the fine details, the anus is located about two thirds of the distance from snout to tail tip, instead of about half way for the Tiger. It is a secretive, nocturnal eel about which little is known. To about 28 in. Indo-Pacific. Photo: Kailua-Kona Harbor, Hawai`i. 30 ft. (at night).

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Text and photos copyright by John P. Hoover