Pseudobiceros gratus (Kato, 1937)
"Pleasing Flatworm" (the Latin gratus means "pleasing")
photo 1: Hanauma Bay, O`ahu. 30 ft.
photo 2: Cory Pittman, Hekili Point, Maui. < 3 ft.

ID from Newman & Cannon CD, where this photo appears. "Body transparent white to light brown with three or four wide black or grey longitudinal stripes joining posteriorily. Rim narrow, black. Margin usually highly ruffled. Pseudotentacles pointed, earlike with white tips."

Occurs from the Red Sea to Hawai`i and grows to about 2 in. A common species throughout much of its range.

More photos from Hawai`i are on Keoki Stender's website

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