normal schooling
coloration - Hanauma Bay, O`ahu |

intensified "normal"
coloration while guarding nest (male) - Hanauma Bay |
Abudefduf abdominalis (Quoy & Gaimard, 1825)
These abundant endemics are greenish
white with five black bars that extend about half way down the body.
The abdomen often develops subtle yellow striping, the bars can lengthen
or shorten, and the ground color can lighten or darken. Other color
changes occur during spawning and nest-guarding (see below). Juveniles,
common in tide pools, are yellowish between the bars. Hawaiian Sergeants
are frequently seen swarming high off the bottom to feed on plankton,
usually over a specific area of the reef where they shelter and reproduce.
When disturbed they dive as one for cover, but soon rise again to
resume feeding. In bright sunlight they will feed almost at the surface;
when clouds cover the sun they descend somewhat. In addition to plankton,
these fish will consume algae or anything else they can find. Males
nest in colonies and when reproductively active remain near the bottom
vigorously defending purplish red patches of eggs laid on bare rock.
The Hawaiian name is from ma'oma'o ("green"). The
species name means "abdomen" or "belly" perhaps
because this area of the fish is often yellow. The name "sergeant"
is shared by several Indo-Pacific and Atlantic species of the same
genus and is probably American in origin--sergeants in the British
Army wear a crown instead of stripes. To almost 10 in., but usually
smaller. Endemic. Photos: Hanauma Bay, O`ahu, unless otherwise noted. |

guardian male attempts
to drive off egg raiders - Hanauma Bay, O`ahu |
and get it!
Hawaiian Sergeant eggs are a significant
food source on the reef. Reproductive males form colonies of up to
120 simultaneously nesting individuals (2-30 are typical) whose nests
usually contain large purple-red egg patches laid on bare rock--a
conspicuous fat and protein treat for any fishes able to get at them.
The nests, typically located on smooth crevice walls, in the spaces
between boulders, or on flat hard bottoms, are each guarded by a single
male, which valiantly drives off all intruders, or tries to. Although
effective against individuals, a defending male Sergeant is no match
for an attacking swarm of fish, usually Milletseed Butterflyfish,
Raccoon Butterflyfish, or Black Triggerfish, which can easily overwhelm
it. Such attacks often happen when a diver is nearby; presumably the
close presence of such a large animal distracts the male Sergeant
enough to give attackers the edge. Milletseed Butterflyfish know this
and may follow divers considerable distances until a Sergeant nesting
area is reached. Once a Milletseed attack has begun, wrasses, other
butterflyfishes, triggerfishes, filefishes, and even other Sergeants
join in, creating a colorful feeding frenzy that lasts several minutes
or more. The frantic male darts back and forth trying to repel the
raiders, often intensifying or changing his colors as he does so.
The swarm, having eaten its fill, eventually responds to its efforts
and moves on. Usually plenty of eggs are left and the Sergeant resumes
his duties. One can only wonder why Sergeant eggs are so conspicuous
when most damselfish eggs are hardly noticeable. Perhaps they play
some important role in the ecology of the reef. See also the Pacfic
Gregory end section. |

male showing dark
aggressive coloration - assumed while defending nest or courting -
Kahe Point, O`ahu. |
Seargeant Reproduction
Hawaiian Sergeants reproduce throughout
the year, with most activity taking place from January through June
when the water is coolest. After preparing a nest site, a male attracts
a female by assuming courtship colors (dark or light steely blue,
occasionally with pale yellow bars) and performing various maneuvers
including head-down hovering, rapid looping and zig-zagging. If
a female is receptive the two swim upward side-by-side and may "kiss"
for 1-2 seconds at the apex before returning to the nest and tightly
circling each other. Egg-laying and fertilization may take up to
2 hours, the male continually breaking off to drive away egg-predators
and "streakers" (non-nesting males which try to dash in
and release their sperm nearby). One male may spawn with multiple
females over the course of 1-3 days, resulting in up to 11 batches
of reddish eggs in one nest. The color of each batch varies with
age. Eggs hatch in 5-9 days.

male showing light
aggressive coloration - assumed while defending nest or courting -
Hanauma Bay, O`ahu. |

Indo-Pacific Sergeant
- close relative of the Hawaiian Sergeant - Kahe Point, O`ahu. |
Hawaiian Sergeant probably descended from the Indo-Pacific Sergeant,
A. vaigiensis, (above) a species widespread in the Indo-Pacific
outside Hawai`i. Until about 1990 the Indo-Pacific Sergeant was unknown
in the Islands; it has somehow been introduced (perhaps drifting in
with abandoned fishing gear) and now almost always occurs in small
numbers wherever the Hawaiian species is present. The two species
do not appear to be interbreeding. The Indo-Pacific Sergeant sports
bright yellow on its back and has longer, broader, darker bars than
the Hawaiian Sergeant. |