Bohadschia sp.
This cucumber is an undescribed species
of Bohadschia. Acccording to Gustav Paulay it has also been
found as far west as Indonesia. It is uncommon. The pictured animal
was buried in sand up to its anus at about 45 ft. off Makua, O`ahu,
in July 2006 (see bottom photo). It was collected, preserved, and
sent to Dr. Paulay. It's a large animal, maybe 14 in. long. Since
then I have found others at several spots off the south shore of
Maui, and also at Ho`okena and Honokohau on the Big Island, from
50 - 90 ft. Recently Keoki Stender found several at a depth of only
12 ft. in the channel at Sand Island, O`ahu.


Molokini Islet, 190 ft. Mike Severns
Stichopus sp.
family Stichopodidae
undescribed sea cucumber is known so far only from Hawaii, typically
at depths of 150 ft. or more. However, divers at Molokini Islet,
Maui, have seen them as shallow as 60 ft. The photo above by Mike
Severns appears on p 323 of my book in all printings prior to 2014.
In the August 2014 printing, however, I replaced it with a photo
of the undescribed Bohadschia (at top of page), as that species
is much more likely to be encountered by scuba divers. Below is
a photo by Rob Whitton of a juvenile about 3.5 inches long found
off Waikiki, Oahu, at 150 ft. It was subsequently collected and
sent to Dr. Gustav Paulay for study.

juvenile about 3.5 in. long off Waikiki, Oahu, 150 ft. Rob Whitton
hawaiiensis Fisher,
family Holothuriidae
photo: Cory Pittman, Kapalua Bay, Maui
fuscorubra Theel, 1886
family Holothuriidae
photo: Maliko Bay, Maui. depth 10 ft.
Semper, 1868
family Holothuriidae
This cucumber anchors the rear portion
of its body in a crevice and extends the front part forward to feed.
It quickly retracts when sensing danger. Even if caught before it
retracts, it is almost impossible to remove from the crevice. The
body will tear before it lets go. However, I have also found them
loose under stones and rubble. The species is uncommon in Hawai`i.
In 1997 I sent tissue from the specimen pictured to Dr. Dave Pawson
of the Smithsonian Institution, who kindly examined the spicules
and made the identification. It was the first record for this species
in Hawai`i. Photo: Mäkaha, O`ahu. 15 ft.
photo: Pauline
cf. impatiens
Pauline Fiene found this unusual cucumber at about 30 ft. under
a rock off Lanai in May, 2010. It resembles Holothuria impatiens
(called "Impatient Sea Cucumber" in my book). Holothuria
impatiens usually ejects sticky white threads at the slightest
provocation, but Pauline reports that this cucumber did not eject
sticky threads. Since it does not quite look like a normal impatiens,
and doesn't behave like one, it
could be something else.
family Synaptidae
tiny cucumbers live just under the sand in shallow water.. Fully expanded,
they are about 3 in. long. Two species of Chiridota have been
recorded from Hawai`i: C. rigida and C. hawaiiensis.
The photo was taken somewhere on O`ahu.
inhabilis Selenka, 1867
family Holothuriidae
This is a small, firm species that collects
sand on its upper surface like H. atra and H. whitmaei.
Unlike those species, it conceals itself under rocks during the day
and is cream with isolated brown papillae if you rub off the sand.
This one was 13.5 cm in length. It was found in tide pools at Napili
Bay, west Maui. Photo and notes by Cory Pittman.
family Holothuriidae
photo: Hekili Point, Maui. depth 1 ft.