Bock, 1925
photo: Cory Pittman. Worms collected by
Gustav Paulay at or near Kewalo Basin,
Honolulu, Hawai`i.
ID from Jean Poulter's chapter "Phylum Platyhelminthes" in
Reef and Shore Fauna of Hawaii. Section 2. "This species
is elongate oval ... 14 mm long and 6 mm wide. Alive, it is a translucent
light yellowish tan color dorsally."
This species is found under the sea urchin Colobocentrus atratus
common "Helmet Urchin"), which
lives intertidally and supratidally on rocky shores subject to moderate
to heavy wave action.
Poulter writes: "The very prominent nuchal tentacles distinguish
this species from another polyclad, Discostylochus parcus, also
collected under Colobocentrotus atratus." Ceratoplana
hawaiiensis is probably endemic
to Hawai`i. Poulter states that the similar Ceratoplana colobocentroti,
collected under a similar urchin in Indonesia, is a separate species.
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