Cestoplana rubrocincta
photo: Karolle Wall, Maui.
Karolle Walle writes: "The long white one with orange stripe ....
I thought it was a ribbon worm, but it appears to be a flatworm of sorts.
In one photo you can make out a scant shading of eyes. It unravelled
and moved so quickly into the hole that I barely got a shot of it. .....
It seemed to be at least 75 mm but very hard to tell as it unravelled
as it went into the hole."
Cory Pittman responded: "There's a 'dead ringer' match ... on Leslie's
CD: Cestoplana australis (which, I see WoRMS
has changed to Cestoplana
rubrocincta). That's a big range extension since I don't think it's
known east of Australia. Though, i-naturalist lists records from India
and France, as well. If the latter is valid that might suggest it's
getting some 'help' dispersing."
On her CD, Leslie
Newman notes that it is found intertidally under rocks and that it tends
to curl into a ball when disturbed.
to longitudinal stripes