Pseudobiceros 14
"False Gold Rim Flatworm"

photo 1: Honaunau, Hawai`i. (at night)
photo 2: Cory Pittman, Hekili Point, Maui. < 3 ft. Size: 18 mm.

ID from Newman & Cannon CD, where this photo appears. "Background colour black, with wide cream-yellow median stripe. Marginal band wide, cream; rim yellow. Pseudotentacles ruffled. "

Similar to Pseudoceros jebborum / paralaticlavus but clearly belongs in a different genus because of ruffled pseudotentacles and wavy margins, possibly
Pseudobiceros or Phrikoceros. Species of such similar appearance are often considered to be examples of Mullerian mimicry or Batesian mimicry There are plenty of other likely mimics on these pages.

This worm appears in my book as "False Gold Rim Flatworm" because of its similarity to the "Gold Rim Flatworm" Pseudoceros paralaticlavus.

Known so far from Hawai`i and possibly Guam. More photos of this rare flatworm would be welcome.

BACK to longitudinal stripes

small specimen