Some interesting
Hawaiian xanthid crabs
including a few not in Hawaii's
Sea Creatures
one - xanthid and xanthid-like
(page two, non-xanthids, is here)
for more crabs? Scott and Jeanette Johnson's Marshall
Islands website is excellent.
Dr. Peter
Castro's checklist
of all crabs known from the Hawaiian Islands
of Hawaii (1962) by Charles H. Edmondson. (pdf - 94
not 100% accurate, photos of many of Hawaii's small crabs can be found
Also check the crab
page of Keoki Stender's Marine Life Photography website.
CRAB juveniles
Etisus splendidus Rathbun, 1906
family Xanthidae
David Rolla and Ariane Dimitris both sent
me photos of a xanthid they could not identify. I sent the photos
to crab specialist Dr. Peter Ng at Singapore National University.
He replied, in both cases, that they were probably juvenile Etisus
splendidus, but he added a question mark. So this ID is tentative.The
top photo is Ariane's and the bottom photo is David's. A photo of
a large 6-inch adult is in my book on p. 278.
Liomera tristis
(Dana, 1852)
family Xanthidae
Jeff Hill writes: Today at Kahalu'u
I spotted a small xanthid crab sitting very still in a coral depression.
Despite my moving within 4 inches for the purpose of photography
it did not move at all over 2 or more minutes." Jeff concluded
that it was no longer alive, or else a molt. He sent the photo to
crab specialist Joseph Poupin, who confirmed the ID.
Jeff's find might be of scientific interest. In his 1962 monograph
Xanthidae of Hawaii, Charles H. Edmondson of the Bishop Museum
writes: "Early records from the Hawaiian Islands show its presence,
but there are no recent local reports of it." A quick check
suggests that the last formal record for this species in Hawai'i
was in 1906.
The species attains about 1 inch in carapace width and is widely
distributed across the Indo-West Pacific.
sanguineus (H. Milne Edwards, 1834)
family Xanthidae
This is one of the most common shoreline
crabs in Hawaii. Although most small xanthids remain hidden in crevices
or under stones by day, this species can often be seen crawling
about in shallow tidepools feeding on algae. Its brownish or grayish
color contrasts nicely with Hawaii's dark volcanic rock, making
it easy to spot. It attains almost 2 in. carapace width and is known
from East Africa and the Red Sea to the Eastern Pacific.
Domecia hispida
Eydoux & Souleyet, 1842
family Domeciidae
Henri Casanova photographed the above
crab at Pupukea, O`ahu, at a depth of about 50 ft. Crabs of the
genus Domecia are coral symbionts that occur most often in
corals of the genus Pocillopora. (In the tropical Atlantic,
however, they inhabit Acropora corals.) These crabs can also
live freely on dead coral or rock. The above specimen appears to
be inhabiting a pit or crevice in Pocillopora meandrina (Cauliflower
Coral). Below
is a photo of a female D. hispida carrying an egg mass under
her abdomen. It was taken by Dennis McCrea in about 30 ft. off the
Kona coast of the Big Island.
triunguiculatus (Borradaile, 1902)
(previous names: Jonesius triunguiculatus, Maldivia triunguiculata)
family Domeciidae
Dennis McCrea and Debbie Newbery
found this small crab on a Cushion Star off the Kona coast of the
Big Island. They have photographed others as well, and Pauline Fiene
says she has often seen small crabs on Cushion Stars off Maui--presumably
the same species. Dr. Peter Castro identified the one in the photo
above as Cherusias triunguiculatus (previously, Jonesius
or Maldivia triunguiculatus). Up till now, this small xanthid
has been known primarily as a symbiont of Porites corals,
in which it creates small crevices or chambers. Do they spend much
time on the stars, or are they just hitching a ride to another Porites
coral head? Who knows, but in a video by Debbie one of these crabs
appears to be feeding off the surface of the star. If the little
commensal Periclimenes soror shrimps find food there, why
not the crabs?
By the way, Cushion Stars feed on coral, though generally not the
Porites corals inhabited by the crab.

Marketa Murray
BROAD-FRONTED CRAB Xanthias latifrons
family Xanthidae
John Earle captured the
crab in the upper photo on video at the Lanai Lookout, Oahu. Dr.
Peter Ng identified it as a species of the genus Xanthias.
Dr. Joseph Poupin further identified it as Xanthias latifrons.
There is already a photo of X. latifrons in my book Hawaii's
Sea Creatures, but it shows a specimen with a less detailed
color pattern.
In November 2021 Marketa Murray photographed
the gorgeous little crab in the lower photo that we believe to be
a juvenile of the same species. She found it in a submerged lava
tube off West Hawaii. Xanthid crab specialist Jose C Mendoza of
the National University of Singapore kindly examined the photo in
detail, and while he couldn't be absolutely sure, that was his best
guess as well. As is often the case, the bright patterning on juveniles
of this species probably fades progeressively with age.
superciliaris Odhner, 1925
family Xanthidae
Kewalo Park, O`ahu. 2 ft. To about 1 inch carapace width.
nodulosa (White, 1847)
family Xanthidae
Above photo by Tina Owens, Kona, Hawai`i. Below, a smaller specimen
photographed at a depth of 32 ft. off Makena Landing, Maui, by Ralph
Turre. Large specimens approach 1 inch in carapace width.


laysani (Rathbun, 1906)
family Xanthidae
Photos: (top) Tina Owens, Kona, Hawai`i.
(bottom) Kelli Shaw. Crab found at base of an Antler Coral colony
at "Horsehoe Reef" (next to the Kewalo Pipe), O`ahu. 45
ft. at night.
Photo by Tina Owens, Kona, Hawai`i
According to Dr. Peter Ng this could be a species of Etisus,
if from a coral reef. Or if from a rocky shore it might be Leptodius.
laevissima (Dana, 1852)
family Xanthidae
O`ahu. collected by Darrell Takaoka |
P. octogesimus Ng and Clark, 2002)
Photo by Tina Owens, Kona, Hawai`