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Weird (and
wonderful) Sea Creatures of Indonesia's Lembeh Strait
Screensaver / Slideshow -
200 images of rare, unusual, and beautiful fishes and invertebrates. CD in case.
$12.00 postage paid (USA ONLY). For Windows 95 and up.
Located at the northeastern tip of Sulawesi, Indonesia, the Lembeh Strait
is home to an abundance of bizarre, cryptic, utterly fascinating marine creatures.
Many, such as the ghoulish stargazer (on the cover), live on the featureless
volcanic sand bottoms typical of the area. Frogfishes, scorpionfishes, cuttlefishes,
and a myriad of other rare animals also thrive here. You'll be amazed at the
amount of life. But that's not all: next to the sand, rubble patches provide
shelter for an entirely different creatures--mandarin fish with their psychedelic
patterns, small, brilliantly colored flasher wrasses, and the deadly blue-ring
octopus. The variety is astonishing. Yet all is not weird--Lembeh also has coral
reefs full of gorgeous angelfishes, butterflyfishes, anthias, impossibly colored
nudibranchs, corals, ghost pipefishes, and more. If you love the sea, don't
miss this unique virtual tour of one of the world's richest and most unusual
tropical marine ecosystems.
Not yet available
Sample images coming....
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